Thursday, February 08, 2007

You Are A Masterpiece

Michelangelo's Statue of Mary

Did you know that you are God’s masterpiece? That means that you are made special and unique and wonderful by the creator of the universe. This is quite a concept. And unfortunately, most people don’t believe this. When you wake up in the morning and look in the mirror, do you say: I am God’s masterpiece? Probably not. But do you even think it? Again, probably not.

The Bible tells us that we were created in the image of God; male and female He created us. The God of the whole universe has made you and me special and unique. He has made us into a masterpiece. After God created humans, He said: “It is good.”

So why don’t we feel like a masterpiece? When we look around, how come we don’t see more masterpieces? It is because of sin. Sin is what causes us to do bad things; hurtful things. And because of this we are kept from being the masterpieces we should be.

Another reason is because we feel like we have to live up to expectations; our own expectations and the expectations of others. And we sometimes even feel like we have to live up to the expectations of God. And because we don’t feel like we measure up, we don’t feel too masterpiece like.

So what are we to do about this? The answer is that we need to let God be the sculptor of our lives. We have to give God the permission to chip away those things that don’t fit into this masterpiece we are created to be. We have to let God chip away at the extra chunks of our being that doesn’t belong.

So what is it in your life that God needs to chip away? Maybe it is pride. Maybe it is lust. Maybe it is anger. Maybe it is unforgiveness. Maybe it is selfishness. The list could be great, but if you let God begin to chip away, then you and others will see this masterpiece that you are.

Let us make a commitment to give ourselves over to God in this way. And sit back and look at how you will take shape. Let me know what you think. Share your thoughts so that I and others can have a fuller concept of this. (


Anonymous said...

Certainly there is a fulfillment in knowing that God is "chipping" at the things in our lives that make us less than what He wills us to be. The difficulty I always find (and I can only assume I'm not the only one) is to be patient. It is sometimes difficult to remember it is in His time, not ours. He is the Master and we are the clay.

Mary from the Prairie said...

I thought of how a sculptor cares for the work while it is in process. He takes precautions to be sure that the materials and tools he uses stay clean. Inevitably, the tools and materials become dirty, simply because they are exposed to the elements around us (dust, oils, etc.), and the sculptor removes the contaminants. The cleaning may be as simple as removing extra dust, or it may require digging out the impurity, or as in silver or gold, holding over a hot, hot fire to burn away the imperfection.

But what if it’s an imperfection that cannot be removed? Then the artist may choose to work with the flaw, and the flaw becomes an intricate part of the finished masterpiece, like the painting "Jesus knocking at the door", where the artist intentionally left off the doorknob.

God does not want us to be sinful, much less remain in our sin. He loves us too much for that. But he can use our past mistakes to His glory. There are people out there that only you and I will reach for the Kingdom, partly because they can see that we've been where they're coming from.